Bernardo Bellotto |
Bernardo Bellotto (1720–1780)Like his uncle Canaletto (1697-1768) and Francesco Guardi (1712–1793), Bernardo Bellotto was an Italian urban landscape painter. Unfortunately, in order to promote this family connection he sometimes signed his works Bellotto de Canaletto, causing much confusion for later historians. Bellotto's style of architectural cityscape painting was very similar to that of Canaletto, although his work was cooler, crisper, more attentive to clouds, shadows and foliage, and frequently characterized by a steely grey. He used camera obscura to achieve accurate renditions of the buildings he painted. After some years of trying to break his uncle's monopoly on Venetian urban landscape painting, he moved to Northern Europe where he went on to produce some of his most famous pictures for the Royal Courts of Dresden and Warsaw. When reconstructing the city of Warsaw after World War II, the Polish authorities used Bellotto's precise city views as a guide. An important contributor to Venetian painting, he remains one of the great Old Masters within his chosen specialty. |
Early Studies |
Individual Artistic Style Vienna, Munich and Warsaw Veduta A veduta is a detailed, large scale cityscape painting. The genre originated in Flanders with artists like Paul Brill in the 16th century. It was made popular by the Dutch in the 17th century, in particular by painters like Jan Vermeer (eg. View of Delft, 1659, Mauritshuis, The Hague). By the mid-18th century Venice was renowned as the centre of the vedutisti, who were much in demand by rich tourists on the Grand Tour of Europe: Canaletto in particular was seen as a Master, as (later) were the Rococo artists Francesco Guardi and Bernardo Bellotto. Within the veduta genre, painters became known for their specialities, for example Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691–1765) was the first veduta to focus on painting ancient ruins and Giambattista Piranesi (1720-78) was the foremost master of veduta etching. Legacy |
• For biographies of celebrated artists,
see: Famous Painters. Visual
Artists, Greatest |